As soon as Carson woke up, she looked at me and I saw her smile at me. I was eatin' some junk food, and I offered her some, but she wouldn't talk. Seth Got all excited, and she finally said something. I was so happy! We all attacked her with hugs, but you could tell she was sick of em Haha.
We decided to go have a swimming party at the hotel. We all were havin' a blast, and everyone was happier. Jamie, Brook, and Kit left early to go take a shower. Jamie had Blair's key, Brook went in Katie's shower, and Kit went and took one in Blair&Dal's room. So I went and got all the spare keys, and the original ones. Then snuck in each room, took all their clothes & towels! I go downstairs back to the pool, and about 30minutes later I heard girls screaming "TWO-BIT!". Here comes Kit first wrapped up in a shower Curtain, then Brook with a Pillow, and then Jamie had one of those gidian bibles they give you for free in every room. Johnny's face lit up as soon as he saw Kit, and Pony started drooling when he saw Brook. Blair glared at me, but then joined in on the laughter. It was funny to everyone 'cept Jamie, Brook, and Kit. Jamie Slapped me real hard, but it was sooo worth it. Told ya I'd get you back sis!
Later, we went and headed home. Jamie, Brook, and Kit were siitting with Blair complaining about how horrible I am haha, while Johnny and Pony were talkin' about how their lives were complete. haha. The car ride was so long, but it was hilarious. Johnny and Pony were playin' patty cake. I think those freakes were on somethin'. Soda and Katy were all makin' out the whole time so I started poking him and he punched me. Dal fell asleep so we wrote on his face with sharpie. He's definatly gonna be pissed off. We stopped at a few gas stations, and of course I caused some trouble. I stole a bunch of willy wonka bars and annoyed the shit out of everyone singing "I gotta golden ticket!" I'm really glad everyone went to Massachsetts.We've all became closer.
I don't know, I just feel happier and in a pranky mood. I guess since Car woke up It made me remember how the sun shines even in tough times. It made me realize that life is short, so laugh as much as you can, smile at someone you hate, live life to it's fullest and don't have any regrets. If Car died, I don't know what I'd do. I've said&done some stuff that I shouldn't of done. So apppologize and forgive people. You never know what could happen to them.
I would like to thank Dawn again for taking care of Elly. It really means a lot. I owe you big time!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Okay! I am REALLY pissed off! Just when things were getting better, they get worse.
Jamie, you need to accept me and Blair are your legal guardians and we are in charge of you. Also, you need to STOP TALKIN' SHIT BOUT ME. I'm tired of Drama! You're acting like a little brat because you want attention. You're life does not suck. And talk to Brook, seriously. You need to understand that we're gonna worry about Carson, we're gonna miss carson,and we're gonna talk about carson. You know why? She's in fuckin' a coma! Kid, Life isn't perfect. That's what you need to realize.
Sorry If I sound like a jerk, but I just want things to be fine like they use to be. Am i the only one?
Why else am I pissed off?
Because! I can't do anything to help anyone! I could of helped Elly when her dad stabbed her, i could of talked Car out of doin' all that shit too. I'm terrible at takin' care of James, and she hates my guts. I feel like a failure. I'm gonna go take a walk. This hotel room reaks.
Jamie, you need to accept me and Blair are your legal guardians and we are in charge of you. Also, you need to STOP TALKIN' SHIT BOUT ME. I'm tired of Drama! You're acting like a little brat because you want attention. You're life does not suck. And talk to Brook, seriously. You need to understand that we're gonna worry about Carson, we're gonna miss carson,and we're gonna talk about carson. You know why? She's in fuckin' a coma! Kid, Life isn't perfect. That's what you need to realize.
Sorry If I sound like a jerk, but I just want things to be fine like they use to be. Am i the only one?
Why else am I pissed off?
Because! I can't do anything to help anyone! I could of helped Elly when her dad stabbed her, i could of talked Car out of doin' all that shit too. I'm terrible at takin' care of James, and she hates my guts. I feel like a failure. I'm gonna go take a walk. This hotel room reaks.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Well we all arrived safely. We went and saw Car. She's getting better, but she hasn't woke up yet. I KNOW we can wake her up. I just know it. Seth is doin' better cause he has us now. The doctor almost kicked us out of the hospital for cussin'. But The Doc should know us greasers do that. Stupid. Well We'll keep yall who are at home updated. This is the first time I've prayed since Johnny was dyin'.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Drama, Car, Elly, And Stuff
This week has been full of drama! I'm sick of this shit! It's drivin' me crazy! I really hope we get Car to wake up. Are we taking Kit's Van or the Train? Whatever we take, we're leavin' at 10am. Show up at the Curtis'.
Anyways, I bet yall are wondering about Elly. She's been home, I've been sleepin' on the couch[for you Blair], and she's doing good. She can get up and walk without her chest/stomach hurting too much. She has pain pills so yeah. She says she'll be okay alone, But someone needs to stay here in case she needs anything. A girl. Dawn, do you mind staying with Elly?
Our one month aniversary is in a week, and I'm not sure what I've got planned yet. But it'll be good.
I'm really glad Pony and Johnnycake are friends again. I was gonna have to beat the shit out of Johnny haha. It seems like everything's gettin' better except Car :[
I'm so tired, I haven't got much sleep at all cause of all of this. I need to take a nap so I'll be good for tomorrow.
Anyways, I bet yall are wondering about Elly. She's been home, I've been sleepin' on the couch[for you Blair], and she's doing good. She can get up and walk without her chest/stomach hurting too much. She has pain pills so yeah. She says she'll be okay alone, But someone needs to stay here in case she needs anything. A girl. Dawn, do you mind staying with Elly?
Our one month aniversary is in a week, and I'm not sure what I've got planned yet. But it'll be good.
I'm really glad Pony and Johnnycake are friends again. I was gonna have to beat the shit out of Johnny haha. It seems like everything's gettin' better except Car :[
I'm so tired, I haven't got much sleep at all cause of all of this. I need to take a nap so I'll be good for tomorrow.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Carson[urgent, everyone read]
I'm pretty sure everyone knows this, but Carson's in a coma. She's gettin' worse, and I can't take it. Car's family. You know how we were willin' to do anything to make Johnny and Pony make up? Or how half of yall came to the hospital when Elly was dyin', and you came just to be there for me? Or when Blair found out she was pregnant and we comforted her and told her it was gonna be okay? We ARE family. We all are there for each other no matter what. And Carson needs us right now. She's dyin', and I think we should all go to Salem and try to get her to wake up. Not just a few of us, ALL OF US. But don't bring any boyfriends or girlfriends. This is just the gang. Plus, Seth needs someone. He's alone. We need to find a way to get there, whatever it takes. Please tell me what yall think, and if you have any ideas.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Talk..haha
I told Brook i was gonna go have a talk with Johnny. But First I picked up Pony and Dal and we headed over to the Cade's. Anyways, Me and Dal went in and Johnny seemed surprised. I said "Johnnycake, you and Pony.." and then he interrupted me and yelled "I don't wanna have anything to do with that basterd!" Then Dal said "Johnny, man look. You and Pony have been best friends forever. Pony is Part of the gang and you need to stop bein' a little brat thinking you get to decide if he stays or not. No ones leavin the gang," and then we spyed James in the background. I nudged Dal and he told him to get out :]. Then we thought it was okay to bring Pony in. At first, Johnny was like "Get the hell away!" but we sat him down, and duct taped him to a chair haha. Smart thinkin, huh? Then Pony sat down, and we took away their blades and stuffs so there wouldn't be any violence. "You two are going to talk and work this out RIGHT NOW, or me and Dal are gonna beat the shit out of you Johnny. Pony wants to work things out but you don't, that's why you'll get beat up." And we left the room and went to chill & watch TV. A few hours later Pony comes out with a huge grin. "Why the hell are you smiling like that Pony? You're creepin' me out!" I said. Dal added "Yeah, man. That's creepier than Soda was after him and know..." Then I interrupted cuz it was awkward and asked "So is everything good?" Pony just said "Let's go home," still smiling. I have no idea what went on in there, but maybe everything's gonna be okay. Maybe they worked things out. I feel like we forgot something....Oh well.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ha Ha!
So I decided to drop by the Curtis' and pull a little prank. I took all of Soda's underwear[there was one with flowers on it?] AND I took all his food and replaced it with beer. :]. So when ya see Soda, he's commando. :D You're welcome Soda!
Anyways, other than that today was sorta borin'. There was nothin' to do. I was at the hospital for a lil bit. Elly's comin' home tomorrow, so i straightened up and made room for her. That's all i got.
Anyways, other than that today was sorta borin'. There was nothin' to do. I was at the hospital for a lil bit. Elly's comin' home tomorrow, so i straightened up and made room for her. That's all i got.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
So I've been at the hospital the past few days. Elly made it through surgery, thank God. the doctors said she's gonna make it, but she'll have a long recovery. I'm okay with that, as long as she's fine. Thanks to all that's been there for me, I couldn't of done this without yall.
Bad news- The bastard that calls himself Elly's father isn't goin' to jail. He convinced everyone that she was tryin' to commit suicide. That really pisses me off! I mean out of everything that happens and crimes and stuffs they won't believe her! If he EVER lays a hand on Elly again, He's dead for sure. But for now, Elly's comin' to stay with me when she gets better. I better go check on Pony...sorry man, I've been too caught up in this to worry about you bro. Hope you're doin' okay.
Well, I'm gonna go get my girl some flowers. Talk to yall soon.
Bad news- The bastard that calls himself Elly's father isn't goin' to jail. He convinced everyone that she was tryin' to commit suicide. That really pisses me off! I mean out of everything that happens and crimes and stuffs they won't believe her! If he EVER lays a hand on Elly again, He's dead for sure. But for now, Elly's comin' to stay with me when she gets better. I better go check on Pony...sorry man, I've been too caught up in this to worry about you bro. Hope you're doin' okay.
Well, I'm gonna go get my girl some flowers. Talk to yall soon.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Meet The Parents Disaster
Guys, I'm at the hospital. No, not for pony. For Elly.
This is what happened:
So Elly to me to her house to meet her parents. I figured I'd win them over with my sense of humor and charm. We had dinner, and it was going pretty good, but then Elly and her father got in an argument. He got angry cuz she didn't go take his car to get it fixed. So he was yellin' at her and I got up, but she told me not to get involved. Then he had her ON THE GROUND throwin' punches at her. You know me, THEN I had to get involved. No one messes with My girl like that. So me and her dad were fightin' and he pulled out a blade. Just when I thought he was gonna stab me, he stabbed Elly! Not just once, 3 times! Holy shit I've never been so scared in my life! I picked her up and ran outta that house. All I could do was scream for help. Luckily, I ran in to Dal so he helped me get her to the ER.
Guys, She's in the IU. They say she's probably not gonna make it. I need a beer, right now. i don't know what to do. Screw everything, I'm gonna go get drunk.
This is what happened:
So Elly to me to her house to meet her parents. I figured I'd win them over with my sense of humor and charm. We had dinner, and it was going pretty good, but then Elly and her father got in an argument. He got angry cuz she didn't go take his car to get it fixed. So he was yellin' at her and I got up, but she told me not to get involved. Then he had her ON THE GROUND throwin' punches at her. You know me, THEN I had to get involved. No one messes with My girl like that. So me and her dad were fightin' and he pulled out a blade. Just when I thought he was gonna stab me, he stabbed Elly! Not just once, 3 times! Holy shit I've never been so scared in my life! I picked her up and ran outta that house. All I could do was scream for help. Luckily, I ran in to Dal so he helped me get her to the ER.
Guys, She's in the IU. They say she's probably not gonna make it. I need a beer, right now. i don't know what to do. Screw everything, I'm gonna go get drunk.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
So Tonight Me, Elly, KitKat, Blair, Jamie, and her boyfriend went to the movies. But first I'd like to start of sayin' this. As soon as I saw him I wanted to punch him in the face. But I gave him a chance just for Jamie. He seemed like an okay guy I guess. But my funny feelin' got worse.
Anyways... He's iight jamie.
So Elly told me that she Broke up with her boyfriend cuz she likes me. So I told her how I felt bout her, and whoever was there at the movies you know bout what happened ;]. She's perfect. So Two-Bit's gots a girlfriend now :D. Here's a pic of her:
Cute, huh?
Anyways, i took her home and kissed her goodnight :].
Tonight was pretty damn amazing. I didn't even pay attention to the movie..what did we see?
Anyways... He's iight jamie.
So Elly told me that she Broke up with her boyfriend cuz she likes me. So I told her how I felt bout her, and whoever was there at the movies you know bout what happened ;]. She's perfect. So Two-Bit's gots a girlfriend now :D. Here's a pic of her:

Cute, huh?
Anyways, i took her home and kissed her goodnight :].
Tonight was pretty damn amazing. I didn't even pay attention to the movie..what did we see?
Friday, January 8, 2010
So you know how I was talkin' bout that chick I met at that party? Well,I found out she gots a boyfriend. I ain't gonna give up though cuz that guy she's with is a jerk. He's a Soc and I hate him. If he shatters her heart, I will be there for her. Me and her hang a lot now but her boyfriend keeps threatnin' me. If he lays a finger on me, I'll beat he hell out of him. :]. If ya wanna know more about Elly, she's blonde(ohh yeah ;]), average height, she's wild, funny, and just everything that a dude could ask for. I ain't givin' up y'all. Anyways, what are you guys gonna do this weekend? I'm probably gonna watch me some re-runs of Little House on the Prairie. ;]
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Fresh Start
I've been thinkin'. I think this year's gonna be better cuz everyone's having a fresh new start. Jamie's fine now cause she don't gotta go to a foster home, Soda's gettin' married, Pony's become a man(if you know what I mean ;]), and everyone else is just maturin and doing their own thing. I'm proud of all y'all. But what's botherin me now is that I'm losin' my sister. I know me and Blair fight a lot but I still love her and I don't want Dal screwin her and then screwin some other chick. Yeah i know they talked and worked it out, but still. Dal, Your my bro but you better treat my sister right or I'll fuck you up. Anyways, so I was at this party the other day and I met this girl. Her name's Elly. She's amazin' and I got her number. I think I'm gonna score. At the party she was flirtin' like there's no tomorrow. Well, i gotta go iron my mickey mouse shirt. Talk you you monkeys later.
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