Friday, January 8, 2010


So you know how I was talkin' bout that chick I met at that party? Well,I found out she gots a boyfriend. I ain't gonna give up though cuz that guy she's with is a jerk. He's a Soc and I hate him. If he shatters her heart, I will be there for her. Me and her hang a lot now but her boyfriend keeps threatnin' me. If he lays a finger on me, I'll beat he hell out of him. :]. If ya wanna know more about Elly, she's blonde(ohh yeah ;]), average height, she's wild, funny, and just everything that a dude could ask for. I ain't givin' up y'all. Anyways, what are you guys gonna do this weekend? I'm probably gonna watch me some re-runs of Little House on the Prairie. ;]



  1. Not Mickey Mouse? Haha! I Might Do Something With Johnny And Go To The Movies With Kristi.... Oh Yea And I Was Invited To A Crazy Party On Saturday!

  2. Well, I guess just hang out pretty much. Get Blair out of Dally's place for a while probably. Dunno.

  3. probably go to thre movies with andrew

  4. goin to sean's house he said you guys can come!
    hey you should put a pic of elly up!

  5. I'm gonna get on a train for the first time in my life and chat with hobos! :]

  6. Pony- Alright Curtis! Don't get too crazy though ;]
    Blair- I'm with ya!
    KitKat- Good Idea
    Jamie- . . .
    Brooklyn- I will put a pic up once this works out. That should be soon.
    Car- Can I come?

  7. Of course you can Two-Bit. Your always welcome in the dirty streets of Maine. :]

  8. it makes me laugh that almost right after you posted this comment you posted saying your leaving maine

  9. Now you've ruined it. Way to go Blair.

  10. haha and two-bit wat do u mean ...... my plans are my business dont get all up in it! if u want u can bring elley and blair can bring dal and we can all triple date but thats that

  11. jesus two-bit she's goin to the movies not joining a cult!!!

  12. Uh Two-Bit, do you want to come see a movie with me? You know, maybe bring Elly with you. Just some friends hanging out.

  13. IM GOING TO THE MOVIES WIT MY BF GOT A PROBLEM WELL I DONT CARE!!!! actually i do care twobit i want u to meet him just cuz he is my bf dont mean u have to hate him meet him talk to him for plz

  14. is this becuz he isnt a greaser? cuz if so then ask urself would u be happy if rather dated scum like curly shepherd?!!!!

  15. yeeeaa .... stay away from the shepherd brothers , been there done that -grimace- unfortionatly

  16. that question was directed to two-bit srry blair

  17. woah woah calm down.

    Kitkat- sure, what movie?
    Jamie- I just don't like him, okay? I have a weird feeling about him. And no, stay AWAY from the shepherds.

  18. ur gonna like him just talk to him believe me though he is rich he is a pretty humble guy

  19. Haha nice. Ur all going to the movies?

  20. well if ur all going then i might not want to cuz the first time twobit meets andrew i dont want anyone besides blair and dal there

  21. I can meet him before we go tomorrow. He can meet at our house at 6, and we can go to he movies at 7.

  22. I just realized... Darry hasn't been on in a while, and when Dally wasn't everyone flipped shit..

  23. He's Been Around The House To Yell At Me All The Time! :(

  24. That's not entirely true Pony. You also have been getting yourself into trouble. Remember, he doesn't mean anything, he is just trying to help you.
